Friday, January 4, 2008

2008 - Another New Year To Grow Old In

I would like to wish all readers and fellow bloggers a HAPPY NEW YEAR 2008. Due to technical issues with my wireless network, I am unable to come online as frequently as I would like to.

The year 2007 ended smoothly though. Met up with a big group of friends for a simple prata dinner, and we get to play with my friend's golden retriever!! Thereafter we head over to my friend's three-storey house and patiently wait for the year to end.

Guess what we end up doing - playing mahjong! Anyway at the turn of the year, I managed to win a neat amount, haha...

Mahjong turned into manicure session,zzz

2007 has been a rather blissful year. It was neither exciting nor insipid. For the whole year I was positively occupied, and I met a couple of good friends. I would say that 2007 had set the stage for an exciting 2008.

Received a new year card from a friend, and within the card contains the following picture:

I had forgotten all about this picture and event. It was taken around pre-Christmas, and it brought back some memories I ought to cherish.

Applied for Singapore Permanent Residency today. I had to make the trip to ICA twice as my company has filled in a wrong data and I did not bring my birth certificate, a letter of certification from NTU and my NP diploma along. At end of the day, my saving grace was my issued diploma from NP as I should apply for permanent residency only after my degree has been conferred, and not while it is pending.

Managed to obtain my temporary Employment Pass, but it has a validity of only 3 months, which is until the outcome of the PR application. What a relief as my student pass is expiring on Monday. I am advised not to travel within this period though, and this poses a source of headache.

Nevertheless I believe there will be a way out, as always... 路是人走出来的....

1 comment:

c a r c a r said...

not only another new year to grow 'old' in.. but grow wiser, smarter...

glad to read all this good news frm yr blog.


for a trully better year! amen!